Stretching Guide for Lifting
Lifting injuries account for many of the injuries we see at Seneca Physical Therapy, Inc so any sort of lifting should be taken seriously. Stretching ahead of the lifting task is useful when you know you will be negotiating a heavy load or doing repetitive lifting.Lifting injuries account for many of the injuries we see at Seneca Physical Therapy, Inc so any sort of lifting should be taken seriously. Stretching ahead of the lifting task is useful when you know you will be negotiating a heavy loa...

Guide for Choosing Lifting Equipment
Back Brace
Many jobs that require repetitive lifting make it mandatory to use a back brace to support the spine. These types of braces are sometimes called industrial back braces. If you have had a recent injury or you are prone to a back injury, you may also be wise to don a lumbar brace even for everyday lifting activities. A back brace, however, is not necessary for everyone. Your Physical Therapist at Seneca Physical Therapy, Inc can advise you whether using a back brace is appropriate fo...

Introduction to Lifting
From boxes to groceries, to furniture and kids, we all need to do it. And we need to do it regularly! Lifting. It seems no matter who you are, or what your profession is, lifting is a regular occurrence nearly everyday of our lives.
Back Pain Continues Despite Advances in Medical Knowledge
Back pain leading to disability is an everyday problem for far too many people. In fact, chronic low back pain is the number one cause of disability among men and the number two most common cause of disability in adults of both sexes and all ages.