Physical Therapy Therapeutic Exercise
“Exercise is Medicine.” The most important component of your physical therapy experience is therapeutic exercise. All conditions that physical therapists work with benefit from exercise. The scientific evidence demonstrating the beneficial effects of exercise is overwhelming, and the benefits far outweigh the risks.
Connecting your problem with the appropriate type and dosage of exercise is key for your recovery. Bill Rolle has successfully done that for over 35 years with thousands of patients. He can do it for you as well.
Rob E
"I wanted to repeat a 7 day, 400+ mile bike ride that I had done 20 years ago. However, I had been away from cycling for a long time and being older I found myself constantly getting nagging injuries. Usually while trying to train or exercise. I spoke with the Seneca PT and Wellness staff about how I could train for and enjoy this ride again without getting injured. I had 4 months to get ready. I wanted to finish strong, but I was afraid “pushing it” would only bring about more injuries. I met with the Seneca PT and Wellness staff for a one on one session specific for endurance cycling. They provided me with some exercises to complement my cycling and explained where my current training was deficient and left me vulnerable. I did the exercises about 3 times per week initially, then tapered down to 1x per week until my event. I finished the training season and the event without any injuries. The ride was so enjoyable I am doing it again this year."
Paul F
"...Looking at the therapy I received then at another establishment versus the services I received at Seneca PT, there is simply no comparison, both in terms of the variety of your equipment, the range of your exercises, and especially the complete individual attention you give to each patient. I am very grateful to the in-home physical therapist who recommended Seneca PT. I do not believe I could have received better, more caring, and more professional services anywhere else. And observing you and your staff during all those weeks, it became very obvious to me that your primary motivation is caring for people, not monetary profit. I will definitely recommend Seneca PT to anyone in this area who needs physical therapy or is looking for a gym. There may be a few other institutions as good as yours, I suppose - but better than yours I cannot imagine."